You are sovereign over us!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sometimes life seems so out of control!!
And right now is one of those times!! I have so much on my just wants to whir! And there seems to be about 4 hours less in a day than what I "need!"
A close friend is moving out of the area, and I don't do well with long distance relationships. I don't even remember life without her! Our children are good friends too, plus they're our closest couple friends! 
It feels like God is taking a pillar out from under me, and I cry out WHY GOD??
And my answer from Him was that I need to depend on Him more, but also that i myself need to be more of a pillar for others, and not always be the taker,the one who needs help so much of the time (tho i still need others desparately). It's time for me to buck up and GIVE! To be strong for other be a pillar! 
And this is just my little world...i know there's a much bigger world out there with all it's pain and brokeness, that God can hardly wait to redeem! And all the while, even now...God is sovereign over us!! Take a careful look at the suffix in the word-sovereign! Yep!! HE REIGNS!! He's GOT it!! There's no need for me to stew,fret, or worry...even when people are hard to love, when you don't feel like you're enough to reach around, when you feel alone, when you struggle with some personal issue, when you're feeling insecure...He is: FAITHFUL FOREVER
                                                                      PERFECT in LOVE
                                                                      SOVEREIGN OVER US!!!