In the Cold of Winter

Friday, December 19, 2014

I painted a few signs this morning by the wood stove. I know, I know... I should be doing something more Christmasy - like wrapping gifts or making food or frantic last minute shopping! But I gave way to what I FELT like doing this time and created instead! 
What warmer word to paint, than home, when outside its cold, and wintry?
I don't know why...(but I'm grateful) -
I think about the homeless so much more than I used to! There are so many people in our own dear country who don't have a place they can call home, no cozy bed to lay their head, and often no hot meals to nourish them! Why we are so blest - I have no idea! I just know it makes me responsible to not only be grateful but also to reach out to the needy! I can't help everyone but I can open my hand and give what I have!
My heart goes out to dear ones who are experiencing sickness or even loss of a loved one! I'm sure they're thinking of their heavenly home a lot!! HOME! Jesus is preparing our home even now...n I know it will be more beautiful than we can ever begin to imagine!!!
Think about what the word home means to you this Christmas!!!!

Another Be Still

Friday, December 12, 2014

Be still...

Friday, December 5, 2014

In all the busy- ness of this Christmas Season, take the time to be still...
Whether it's in the quiet of the morning, or the relief you feel when you hit the sheets at night...quiet yourself before God, and know that he's got it!!!!
Be still and KNOW that I am God!


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Think good thoughts today!!!!